Dental implants in Honolulu are often seen as the best option for replacement teeth. They look and function just like real teeth, and they’re designed to last a lifetime. However, they can be expensive and require surgery to place them. Natural teeth, on the other hand, are less expensive and don’t require surgery. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preference and needs. Talk to your dentist about which option is right for you.

Dental implants vs natural teeth: Which is better? 

Although dental implants have many advantages. When you have healthy teeth, it’s usually best to keep them. Natural teeth provide a comfortable, functional bite and allow you to eat the foods you enjoy with less limitation. Unlike implants, natural teeth don’t require any surgery or major dental work. When your natural teeth are in good condition, it’s important to maintain and protect them. With the right care and a healthy lifestyle, natural teeth can last for decades.

Teeth can be lost due to injury or disease

Teeth can be lost due to a variety of causes, including injury or disease. In the case of tooth loss, implant dentistry can help restore the basic functions of natural teeth and allow people to continue living their daily lives with confidence.

Dental implants can help prevent bone loss in the jaw

Dental implants provide a unique solution to preventing bone loss in the jaw. The implants are securely placed within the jawbone, forming a bond that protects the jawbone from degeneration. They act like real teeth – they stimulate the surrounding tissue when biting and chewing, promoting blood flow that prevents bone loss while keeping dental hygiene in check. Because of its various advantages, implant dentistry is quickly becoming the preferred treatment for people wanting to preserve their oral health into adulthood.

Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth

For those who have missing teeth, dental implants offer a permanent solution. Replacing the natural root of a tooth is essential for most patients, and implants can be placed in the jawbone to provide this support. The implant acts just like a natural tooth root and provides stability for the artificial tooth that it will hold. After the artificial tooth is attached to the implant, many people find that it is nearly indistinguishable from their other teeth. Although there are advantages to getting dental implants, many people still prefer to keep their natural teeth as long as possible since they also provide stability with little maintenance compared to implants. With proper care and regular visits to your dentist, both options can offer great results for a healthy smile.

Implants look and feel like natural teeth

Dental implants are a tried and true alternative to natural teeth that provide a realistic result for those in need of tooth replacement. Implants feel much like natural teeth because the implant mimics the form and function of a normal tooth root. Implant dentistry requires intricate attention to detail in order to mimic the look, feel and even size of original teeth. Using advanced techniques, porcelain crowns can be customized to match patient’s natural teeth color and shape in order to replicate a more lifelike result. While some patients may prefer implants over natural teeth depending on their situation, there is no debating that dental implants have vast potential to improve one’s oral health, comfort, function and aesthetics.

Implants are durable and can last a lifetime with proper care

For those considering the pros and cons of dental implants vs natural teeth, durability is a distinct advantage of implants. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Over time, they actually become part of the jawbone – gives them the strength and stability to replace missing or diseased teeth in a way that looks, functions, and feels like real teeth. Natural teeth are a preferred choice for many people but this isn’t always an available option due to advanced age or health complications. For individuals facing these challenges, dental implants provide a viable solution that can restore function, aesthetics, and self-confidence. Although these procedures take longer than other treatments like dentures or bridges, the long term result is definitely worth it.

If you are considering dental implants in Honolulu, be sure to talk to your dentist about all of your options. There are many factors that play a role in choosing the best option for you, and only your dentist can help you make an informed decision.

Beyond Strength: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Dental Implants vs. Natural Teeth

While dental implants boast superior strength compared to natural teeth, they aren’t necessarily “better” in all situations. Dental implants are a great option for replacing missing teeth or severely damaged ones where crowns aren’t suitable. Their durability surpasses natural teeth, and they can feel quite natural. However, they require surgical placement in the jawbone, a process not everyone desires. When possible, preserving your natural teeth through proper care is always recommended.

Here at Pacific Dental & Implant Solutions

Our prosthodontist, Dr. Jmi Asam, has over 15 years of experience in her field. At Pacific Dental & Implant Solutions, we use state of the art equipment to help diagnose and tailor treatment to your personal dental needs. Dr. Jmi Asam is passionate about helping you select the best treatment option for you. Contact us to make an appointment for your free consultation.

Pacific Dental & Implant Solutions,

4211 Waialae Ave #102, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816

(808) 737-6150

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